About Eureka Springs Aikido

Learn how I can help you through Aikido training.


To change lives using the self-defense and self-improvement benefits of Aikido.


I hope to grow my Aikido classes into having a dojo that holds weekend Aikido training retreats — A place where students can come to train, relax and meet other students.

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Aikido training takes discipline and dedication. This discipline carries over to other parts of your life and helps you achieve your goals.

How Aikido impacts your daily life

The benefits of Aikido don’t stop when you get off the mat. The philosophies and skills you build in Aikido positively impact your daily life.

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The commitment and persistence of Aikido training helps build self-confidence that pours into your daily life.

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Regularly attending Aikido classes helps build long-lasting relationships and a sense of community.

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Stress Relief

Because Aikido is an all-around fitness activity, it can be a great form of stress relief.

Aikido might be right for you if...

You are suffering from PTSD, depression, anxiety or lack of confidence
You are looking to gain more self-confidence and improve your life
You want to join a community and meet others focused on self-mastery
You need to know how to defend yourself
You desire to have fun while letting off steam after work
You are looking to gain more self-confidence and improve your life
Aikido teacher showing student how to use a sword

Teaching Style

“Even with mastery, everyone is always a student. I keep that in mind while teaching. I also hold the philosophy that we were all beginners at one point.

I try to build good relationships with my students so I can support them while they learn and grow. I love to collaborate and find ways to help all my students improve their lives through Aikido.”

- Sensei Zach Trent

Ready to learn self-defense and self-mastery through Aikido?

Improve your life by learning self-defense and self-improvement at Eureka Springs Aikido.